"You don't have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great

For a number of years I have enjoyed scrapbooking and card making. At the start of this year I discovered Kit and Clowder Colouring classes. I decided to jump in and try one of the free classes. My first attempt at an image was to be quite honest not great when I look back on it. However, I took advantage of the free 1-2-1 prorate feedback from Alyce Keegan. She immediately boosted my confidence enough to sign up to her regular monthly classes - and I have never looked back. Over time I will post some of my images from my colouring journey. My main purpose for setting up this site was to enter the numerous monthly challenges that are available for me to not only share my creations but to also learn and get inspiration from other people. I hope you enjoy my new site and I will be developing this over a period of time.